The Fights We Choose

The fights we choose prepare us for those we don’t.
The countless cold mornings, range days, and heavy barbells are the fights we choose.
“One more fucking rep.”
“One more minute.”
“One more day.”
Those are the fights we choose.
We choose pain, hard workouts, and hard days. We choose to fight in times of peace, to train hard despite the comfortable world around us.
We choose the hard things now because peace always expires, and comfort is easily lost.

The fights we choose prepare us for the fights we don’t choose, the fights we wouldn’t choose. The fights we cannot see coming.
Death, disease, famine, ruin, disaster…
For the moment in the arena, when our survival will depend on our character, our strength, our endurance. Our ability to show an enemy pain.
That’s when those cold mornings, range days, and heavy barbells pay off. That’s when each rep, minute, and hard fucking day give you an edge.
When the fight you didn’t choose knocks on your door, drags you into the arena. When peace expires and comfort is lost. When the lights turn off and the wolves are freed from their cages.
Your character will keep your head high, your eyes engaged, your hands ready.
Your strength will hold your ground, absorb the blows, and keep the wolves from your neck.
Your endurance will allow you to strike back, engage multiple targets, and stay in the fight.
You will show the enemy pain.
You will fight hard.
You will Never Fucking Quit.
Because today, and every single day until you’re dragged into the wolves’ den, you choose to fight. You fight laziness and mediocrity by your habits. You fight for your future when you give your job 100%. You fight for your community and nation when you honor freedom. You fight for character, strength, and endurance in the gym.
It’s cold mornings, range days, and heavy barbells. It’s long rucks on little sleep, thousands of pushups, and slow progress.
It’s patience for the man or woman you’re becoming, the one who will not cower when life drags you into hell, turns the lights off, and releases the wolves.
The fights you choose today, this week, this year prepare you for life’s hardship.
Carry the heavy load, give your sweat and blood, and always move forward.
The weak man, untested, will not survive the expiration of peace, when comfort abandons him. He does not choose to fight. His hands are uncalloused, his bones are fragile. He does not know how hard life can be, and so he always rests.
He will die a quick death.
He will let himself and his community down.
His name will be forgotten.
You will walk out of the arena, his bones will stay there.
Fight hard now so you can fight hard later.
Always prepare, always forward.
Never Fucking Quit.
Amazing! Thank you guys for what your doing! Stuff like this should be burnt into young men and women’s brains!
Great blog and message. Very informative and always forward.
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